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I’ve worked in content for nearly a decade but here is where I really have fun 😉 Follow along for music festival dives, skin care tips, beauty advice and book recs. Hope you enjoy and please leave a note!

Middle School Cliques to Female Empowerment

Middle School Cliques to Female Empowerment

Has anyone else had a group of friends they’ve gone literal years without seeing? Five or more? Probably. I recently was lucky enough to meet up with my three best friends from middle school. It had been seven years since I’d seen one of them, four since I’d seen another and seven since we’d all been together. 

I have to admit, I was a little nervous to see two of them. After so many years, and in this political climate, I wasn’t totally sure how we’d all get along. We’re from Arkansas, a tried and true Southern, Republican state, where there’s a church on every corner. Seriously. I’m not exaggerating. So, as an outspoken, liberal-leaning feminist, with a passionate hatred for the current administration’s views and policies, I was naturally a little wary.

However, I was pleasantly surprised to find that all four of us were on the same wavelength. In fact, I had some of the most energizing, politically-charged and invigorating conversations I’ve had in months. See, my immediate-area friends are not the most politically-minded group, so I’ve never been able to have a conversation about my fears and exasperations with current society. Yet, with this group of girls, who I’d known since I was 11, magically gave me the gift of these spirited conversations, ponderings and debates. 

It reminded me that our generation is more liberal than ever, we hate less and accept more, which truly makes me feel more hopeful. We care about the environment and know that it’s our kids who will be dealing with our shit, to put it in laymen’s terms. My intelligent, strong, creative, caring, beautiful friends reminded me of this and I will be forever grateful.

Plus, studies say that if you pass the seven year mark with a friend, you’ll be friends for life. So looks like I definitely have three wonderful women to add to that list. 

Weekly Roundup #5: Moms and virgins

Weekly Roundup #5: Moms and virgins

Weekly Roundup #4: Folklore and chai lattes

Weekly Roundup #4: Folklore and chai lattes