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Weekly Roundup #96: Valentine's Day and salaries

Weekly Roundup #96: Valentine's Day and salaries


Milkman, Anna Burns. Y’all. Give me a break, it’s hefty and kind of hard to read if there are ANY distractions. By the way, did I mention I’m doing the Popsugar 2020 Reading Challenge?

Young Men Embrace Gender Equality, but They Still Don’t Vacuum, The New York Times. I’m very lucky in my relationship because while, yes, I do more of the cleaning, our chore list ends up pretty equal because I’m very much not the cook in the relationship. So I’ll do more tidying, but he does the cooking, meal prepping, etc. However, I would love if he broke out the vacuum now and then… It’s pretty crazy that as much as attitudes have changed, the actual roles and expectations don’t seem to really have altered.

Anne Murphy Leaves the Creek, Nylon. Really wish this show could have gone on forever, but I’ll take what I can get on Netflix, plus little gems like this article. “I think this show came along just as the world really started to burn, politically and literally. People needed a safe, happy, joyful, accepting, loving place to go. And the show was like 'Hi, welcome, come on over.”

Banksy Is a Control Freak. But He Can’t Control His Legacy. The New York Times. I’ve loved Banksy since I watched the documentary, Exit Through the Gift Shop, years ago, and I think it’s pretty fucking incredible he’s been able to keep his identity hidden all these years. I do think it’s the activism factor that speaks to people now, and his pranks that will live in legend, thus, I would be surprised if many, if any, of his art is ever showcased in a museum.

I Hated Bernie Bros Until I Loved And Lost One, Elle. The moment she talks about his death gave me such chills. Stories like this always really hit that part of me that’s terrified of losing my partner. And this one has another level. I completely agree that we should all have “free” healthcare—I’m willing to pay more taxes for it—but I want to know how much I’d be paying and I’d want the wealthy to have to pay more. Hi, wealthy tax 👋🏼 There’s absolutely no reason people should be dying because they' can’t afford their prescriptions or even someone to talk to. If you don’t agree, come back to me after you’ve been sued because you couldn’t afford the healthcare costs that came from having such excruciating back pain you could barely walk from your desk to the bathroom.

I’ll Share My Salary Information if You Share Yours, The New York Times. YES! We ALL need to be sharing this information and lifting each other up to salaries we deserve.

1975's Matty Healy Promises To Only Play At Inclusive Festivals, Nylon. I’m very into this.

This Woman Made an Impressive Cheese Board 30,000 Feet in the Air, People. I. feel. seen. I also now follow @cheesebynumbers…

5 Keys To Finding A Job You’re Truly Stoked About, Girlboss. I’m still working on figuring out what exactly my dream job is, but I fully agree that it’s important to be ok with pivoting in your career!

The Oscar Win For ‘Hair Love’ Was A Step Forward For Diversity In Animation, Nylon. Love this, but, I have to say, it’s kind of weird that it’s “in conjunction” with Dove…the future of movies, people. Movies are the new branded ad.

Tell Us Your Valentine's Day Candy Opinions And We'll Tell You Your Age And Relationship Status, BuzzFeed. I normally don’t share things like this here, but this was SCARY accurate, lol. Anyone else??


Rockets (ft. Moe Moks), LION BABE.

Check out my Tunes 2020 highlight for all my most recent listens!


Shrill, Hulu. I binged this in two days and have now taken the idea of Fran Fest as my main inspiration for my future thirtieth and bachelorette parties.

Clique, PopTV. This was one of those shows I just decided to put on for the hell of it, but I’m hooked now. It’s not great, but definitely bingeable.

Hair Love, Matthew A. Cherry. This. video. killed me. And, I hear you, Issa Rae!


Valentine’s Day!!

Weekly Roundup #97: Birthdays and AHAs + BHAs

Weekly Roundup #97: Birthdays and AHAs + BHAs

Weekly Roundup #95: Birth month and solo dates

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