Weekly Roundup #87: Razr and the White Dress
The Allure of the White Dress, The New York Times. Our company/June event was in THE NEW YORK TIMES!! And not just on digital, but the Sunday paper too!!
Your Birthday Is One Day, The Cut. This one made me giggle. I’m pretty sure I’ve definitely been a Birthday Adult (my birthday generally falls on Presidents’ Day weekend, it’s hard not to end up celebrating all weekend!), but I do agree, it’s ridiculous. You should confine the celebrations to one day, but it doesn’t really mean that I always will…🙃
8 Things You Should Know If You Get Recurrent UTIs, Self. For all my cranberry juice-chugging ladies out there.
The Model and the Murder, Elle. This is a wild story…I really want to know what Arkansas town this girl is from ha. Anywhere near me?
Squidward Is Getting His Own Netflix Spin-Off And, TBH, It’s About Time, BuzzFeed. I do NOT want to be disappointed on this one!!
The Razr flip phone is coming back and we're feeling all sorts of nostalgia, Today. Oh my god, if that have the lilac one, I WANT IT!! I still miss that phone. Though a big part of that was being able to text without looking and that obviously wouldn’t be a part of this updated Razr.
Readers Could Not Guess the Endings of These Books, BookBub. I don’t remember Life of Pi or The Kite Runner having surprise endings…but maybe I just need to reread them.
Your Streaming Guide, The New York Times. We just cut cable so I was curious to see which streaming services it was suggested we keep. It wasn’t ideal…basically I need Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Disney Plus, HBO Max and NBC’s new Peacock service. Oh, and maybe N.F.L. Sunday Ticket. LOL. Apparently our bill would be at least $114 (they don’t know Peacock’s prices yet) so looks like we’ll be sacrificing some shows! Or staying on my parent’s Netflix account for the foreseeable future 😬 Jk, we’re definitely doing that and we’re DEFINITELY not getting Sunday Ticket at $73.49 per month, lol. Boom, saved $87 right there!
10 Things to Know Before Dating an Introvert, Cosmopolitan. Excuse me while I send some of these to my *very* extroverted partner…particularly this part: “Don’t take it personally if an introvert needs time to decompress and be alone. One of the hardest things for partners of introverts to understand is that their partner is probably busy trying to manage their level of stimulation in case they get too overwhelmed and then need a long time to recover from that extra stimulation, explains psychologist Tamar Chansky.”
Facing ‘Certain Death,’ Teenager With Vaping Injury Gets Double Lung Transplant, The New York Times. I’m just horrified by this whole thing. I know what the care is like after someone’s had a lung transplant and to put a teenager though that is horrifying. There are so many things he’ll never be able to do now. The word “tragic” just keeps popping up in my brain when thinking about this. It’s severely, utterly tragic.
The Secret Instagram Group Airing The Beauty Industry’s Dirty Laundry, Refinery29. I’m personally a big fan of this account. I find it both hilarious and informative. Check them out @esteelaundry.
8 (Foolproof) Money Management Tips to Tackle in Your 20s, Create & Cultivate.
“I Am Religious About My Finsta”: 10 Women On How They Use Their Fake Instagrams, Refinery29. I used to really enjoy Instagram, but then I started doing social so I don’t post nearly as much on my own account anymore. But adding a finsta to the mix just sounds exhausting and not worth it. It’s interesting to hear how the youths use it though.
Mean It, Lauv & LANY.
Check out my Tunes highlight for all my most recent listens!
Mean Tweets - Music Edition #6, Jimmy Kimmel Live. Lizzo and Chance the Rapper 😂
Peppermint Mocha, Starbucks. It’s WAY too expensive, but it’s a delicious afternoon treat and at least I get 50 cents off with my special reusable holiday cup! 😅🎄